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Turn Inc.

In Their Own Words
"Turn has developed the digital advertising industry’s only integrated, end-to-end platforms for data and media management. The Turn Audience Platform and Turn Media Platform are currently utilized to manage digital advertising campaigns for Global 2,000 brands. Turn’s global infrastructure, intuitive software and analytics, and open ecosystem for partners – all available in a real-time integrated environment – represent the future of digital advertising." to: "What makes Turn different? Insights Every interaction with mobile apps, web content, streaming video, or a social network creates valuable new consumer data. Information about who they are, their product preferences, purchasing patterns, and even their geographic location. Turn centralizes all this data on our massive platform, blends in real-time media data—then mines it all for clear insights that drive successful marketing relationships. ROI Data-driven insights work with Turn’s patented real-time algorithms and lightning-fast execution platform, helping marketers deliver the right message on the best media channel at the right moment in time. The result? Superior campaign performance that exceeds expectations and delivers better ROI than any other marketing platform. Control In a world where consumer attention bounces among a multitude of devices and content sources, Turn is a unifying force. A single login puts the marketer in control, providing a powerful dashboard of all multi-channel digital advertising activities. With one-click access to the right mix of data, inventory, and technology vendors for any campaign, marketers can think big, while retaining the ability to dive deep into any component and optimize it for best performance. Real Time With an integrated technology platform, marketers can convert strategy into results in real time. Turn is the only marketing platform with data management, media execution and marketing analytics on a unified infrastructure, empowering marketers to build digital advertising strategies, then immediately execute them—with no data loss and no wasted time. In fact, as the Turn platform tracks in-flight campaign actions, it updates audience information instantly. Software Focus Turn is a Silicon Valley technology company with a highly scalable multi-tier server infrastructure. Our core expertise is in building great software that supports the digital advertising workflow and solves the challenges of global marketers."
Industry affiliations
What data does this company collect?
Data Collected

Anonymous : Ad Views, Analytics, Browser Information, Cookie Data , Date/Time, Demographic Data, Hardware/Software Type, Page Views

Pseudonymous : Device ID (EU PII), IP Address, Location Based Data, Search History

PII : Address, EU- IP Address, EU- Unique Device ID , Email Address, Name , Phone Number

Data Sharing

Anonymous data is shared with 3rd parties., PII data is shared with 3rd parties.

Data Retention

As long as necessary to fulfill a business need or as required by law.

Data Use

Ad Serving, Ad Targeting, Analytics /Measurement

Your choices
Privacy contact
Turn Inc. Attn: Chief Privacy Officer
901 Marshall Street
Suite 200
Redwood City , CA 94063-1901

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When you opt out of being tracked and/or targeted by this company, an "opt-out cookie" is set in your web browser. The details of this cookie are below. Click here for more information about what this means.
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*Certain companies include their opt-out links on trade association sites or other membership organization sites. These sites may trigger the writing of additional cookies when an opt-out request is received, including cookies that are written by other companies.
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