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In Their Own Words
"AdsWizz is an innovative technology provider of on-line audio and video adverstising solutions with offices in California and Europe. AdsWizz is gradually becoming the leading global advertising solution provider to the on-line audio and radio industries. AdsWizz' customers are leading online ad-sale houses, publishers, music platforms and advertisers."
Industry affiliations
What data does this company collect?
Data Collected

Anonymous : Ad Views, Analytics, Browser Information, Demographic Data, Hardware/Software Type

Pseudonymous : IP Address

Data Sharing


Data Retention


Data Use

Ad Targeting, Analytics /Measurement

Your choices
Privacy contact
Opt-out cookies
When you opt out of being tracked and/or targeted by this company, an "opt-out cookie" is set in your web browser. The details of this cookie are below. Click here for more information about what this means.
Browser cookies

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*Certain companies include their opt-out links on trade association sites or other membership organization sites. These sites may trigger the writing of additional cookies when an opt-out request is received, including cookies that are written by other companies.
About Evidon

Evidon is the leading provider of Privacy and Digital Governance Solutions. We bring transparency to the web by providing organizations with tools allowing consumers to understand and control what information is collected and used. For more information, visit our website.